What Does it Mean to be Fruitful?

It’s another week in my deep dive into the tunes that were the backdrop of my childhood and teen years. This week I try to bring clarity to the question, “What does it mean to be fruitful”. I am going to just say it, THIS QUESTION IS TOUGH FOR ME!

I hit my sister up last week to gain some insight and she gave me some verses, and we will discuss those in a bit. I researched the subject on my own and felt like the subject is this giant circle of misunderstanding, understanding and diversion. The other complication this week, was song choice. Sometimes my questions don’t tie to a song, or at least I think they don’t. That’s when a trip to get a Whopper changed everything.

I know a lot of people hate fast food, but sometimes a girl needs a whopper with cheese and no onions. There I was in a very long line and Michael Jackson’s song “Beat It” came on the radio. I loved me some Michael Jackson. His music was my elementary school days (Thriller), my middle school days (Bad) and my high school days (Dangerous).  My household only got cable in 1983 so that I (LOL – it was my Mama) could see the Thriller Video. Dad fell in love with ESPN and we (my Mama and me) watched Lifetime and MTV.

So, there I was listening to “Beat It” and I decided to pull over after getting my food and eat in the car (it’s a bad a habit). I pulled up my music app and loaded the Bad album. I flipped through some songs and hit play on “Man in the Mirror”. I was crying and eating at the same time. That song always moves me to tears. That song, or should I say the video to that song, reminds me of one specific moment in my life. I remember that in the fall of 1987 a little toddler named Jessica McClure fell into a well in her back yard. She spent 56 hours in the well. Rescuers, including oil rig operators, brought in equipment and attempted a rescue that seemed impossible. I was at my best friend’s house on the evening that they were able to pull her up out of the well. It was so miraculous. Michael Jackson would use that moment as one of the scenes in the video that came out in February, 1988. I still cry to this day thinking about that miracle, those tired and relentless workers that worked to pull her out of that well. They showed love, patience and faithfulness in their efforts.

So…that’s how I got to the song for this week. It’s “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson and was released in 1988. The song was written by Glen Ballard (think Wilson Phillips/Alanis Morissette) and Siedah Garrett (she sings on the several tracks on the Bad album). Michael Jackson and his producer, Quincy Jones were looking for a song to tie together the Bad album, a theme. They reviewed this song and felt it was like “sunshine on the world”. The song writer, Garrett, said “To make a difference on the outside, you have to first start from within”.

And I think that is exactly where we can start this week’s review of the question “What does it mean to be fruitful”.

Where to begin this circle. I think the best place to start is with Jesus’ words and actions in Mark 11:13. Jesus is entering Jerusalem for the Passover (Spring). He sees a fig tree “in leaf”.  This means that it is an early bloomer with full leaves and should have fruit on it. With the expectation that the tree will have figs, he goes over to the tree and finds no fruit. He is dissatisfied with a tree that looks the part but has no substance. Jesus then curses the tree and make it wither and it becomes forever fruitless. This probably seems drastic to us readers but consider where this scene is in the bible. Jesus is OUT OF TIME and has been teaching in parables. He knows he needs to make the disciples see the actiona and consequences of the words he has been preaching. This is one of last few teachable acts before the crucifixion. This is about life and death. This is about sown seeds and harvest. This is about the foundation.

Paul goes on to say in Galatians 5:22-23 (thank you Kim) what the fruit of the Spirit is. What are the fruits? They are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These things, these gifts, are what should be pouring out of you for the world to see. Your fruit to the world is sharing God’s gifts. If you live a Christ-centered life, then your very being should be overflowing with these gifts.

The disciple John states in John 15:5 that Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. If we remain in and centered in Jesus, then Jesus remains in us. If we do that we will bear good and vast amounts of fruit. Without Jesus, we can do nothing. Let this sink in. It’s not a parable it’s an illustration. Our faith is a tree. The tree of God. Our connection to God is in the vines called Jesus. If we are nurturing our souls with Jesus than Jesus nourishes us, and we grow in God. We can’t exist without Jesus and God can’t be a part of us without Jesus. It is a connection and when that connection is rooted and cared for, we become a fully leafed branch on a fig tree with enough figs on it to feed the world.

The fruit of Love can be summed up in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,” Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.” To love fully and deeply means you must be unselfish and embrace faults in others and love no matter what. Your love for others should be reflected in your words, your actions, your moods, your desires, and passions for your fellow man. Our very hearts should hold the hand of a non-believer and shout “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH – I WANT TO SHARE MY HEART, JESUS, WITH YOU!”.

Your actions should be full of joy and peace. Your love of Christ cause you to act like Christ. You should sit and talk among those that have no joy and no peace. Your overflowing fruit should be able to lighten their load and help them find calm and hope.

Forbearance is patience. So when you interact with people, you should be patient and kind. You don’t know what they are going through when you interact with them. You should be able to show them Jesus through your actions. You may very well be the only version of Jesus they see in their day-to-day lives.

At my local Burger King, one of the drive-thru workers always notices that I am playing K-Love or listening to a sermon by Pastor Tony Evans. The gentleman is openly homosexual, and he and I have exchanged pleasantries many a morning. So, me being a Christian and him being part of the LGBTQ+ community, one would assume that there would be no room to share faith or concern for one another. But we always smile, laugh, share a joke, and wish each other the best. On this morning the drive-thru had been full and the person in front of me had been very ugly to this man. I could see that his manager was stressed, and the manager’s tone and language were flustered and harsh. I looked at the worker and smiled. I apologized to him for the woman in front of me and that no one should ever be treated that way. He paused, recognized Tony Evans’ voice in my car and shared his knowledge about Pastor Evans. We both lightened the mood for a moment. His manager made a comment in the back and this man looked at me and said “please pray for me”. I looked him in the eyes and said absolutely you know I will. God used my fruit (of patience and kindness) to speak to that man.

I experienced many blessings during my cancer journey. The kindness of strangers blew my mind. I saw people’s honest fruit. From meals, to calls, to volunteering to take me to treatments, to holding my hand and praying over me. People stepped up and let their heart speak when they had no words. It was beautiful.

If we aim to live our lives like Jesus, then our fruit will overflow from us and touch everyone we interact with. It’s time to look at yourself and ask, how can I change to be more like Jesus? How can I show the world love, patience, kindness? How can I be faithful to my faith and serve a fallen world? The answer is Jesus. Read his words, walk his walk, do his work. Reach out to those in need. Care for the heartbroken. Don’t be part of the problem be the solution.

So back to that fully leafed fig tree that Jesus came to. God wanted a fig and there was no fig there when all the signs pointed to figs being there – and then God destroyed it. Seriously read the Old Testament, this scene is played out in several verses. From Genesis to the prophets, God chose when to look down onto the heart of a people and JUDGE it. If they were not living fruitful and faithful lives, he removed his hand of protection. Jesus wanted to find a fig on a fig tree that was full of fig leaves. HE JUDGED IT to be FAKE. It was fruitless.

None of us know the day that God is going to call our number and look to see if we have been rich in spirit and fruitful. Now is the time to check your foundation. Are you rooted? Are you getting nourished? Are you ready for the harvest? Are you providing fruit to others? I can’t answer these questions for you, only you can look in the mirror and see the honest reflection.

If you are reading this today, then God is still giving you a chance to make that CHANGE! God gave the people of Noah’s day 120 years to get rooted, change their ways and become fruitful. Use this chance to let the words of Jesus into your heart. I promise you once his word enters your heart, you’ll be fruitful.

I know this subject is harsh and can come across as judging or condemning, but really, the fruit of the spirit is how we all should live. We should be our best self every day.

My subjects are going to keep getting a bit deeper as we progress with this series of questions of faith. Next week I am tackling a hot subject for us right now. “How to be Bold in Faith”.

Have a blessed and fruitful week!




Lyrics to Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson:

I’m gonna make a change

For once in my life

It’s gonna feel real good

Gonna make a difference

Gonna make it right

As I, turn up the collar on

My favorite winter coat

This wind is blowin’ my mind

I see the kids in the street

With not enough to eat

Who am I, to be blind pretending not to see their needs?

A summer’s disregard

A broken bottle top

And a one man’s soul

They follow each other on the wind ya know

Cause they go nowhere to go

That’s why I want you to know

I’m starting with the man in the mirror

I’m asking him to change his ways

And no message could’ve been any clearer

If they wanna make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make a change

I’ve been a victim of a selfish kind of love

It’s time that I realize

That there are some with no home

Not a nickel to loan

Could it be really me pretending that they’re not alone?

A willow deeply scarred

Somebody’s broken heart

And a washed out dream

They follow the pattern of the wind, ya see

Cause they go no place to be

 That’s why I’m starting with me

I’m starting with the man in the mirror

I’m asking him to change his ways

And no message could’ve been any clearer

If you wanna make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make that


I’m starting with the man in the mirror (oh yeah)

I’m asking him to change his ways (better change)

No message could’ve been any clearer

(If you wanna make the world a better place)

(Take a look at yourself and then make the change”

You can’t

(then you close your) close your, your mind

With the man in the mirror, oh yeah

I’m asking him to change his ways (better change)

No message could’ve been any clearer

If you wanna make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make a change

Gonna feel real good now

I’m gonna make a change

It’s gonna feel real good

Come on (change)



Video to Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson:



Bible verses to help you understand the subject of good fruit/fruitful:

Mark 4:20

James 1:25

Ephesians 2:10

Matthew 7:18

Luke 6:43

Romans 7:5

Proverbs 11:30

Matthew 15:19

Galatians 5:22-23

John 15:5


Check out these amazing ministries that I am either a part of or that I fully support:

Vessels for God: https://www.vesselsforgod.com/about

Vessels for God is female based ministry for God. Their mission is to empower women to live in the fullness of who they are in Christ Jesus.


Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater: https://cpcfriends.org/

They provide a Christ-centered aid to women and families involved in crisis-related pregnancies by offering real help for the present, hope for the future, and healing from the past. 


The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews: https://www.ifcj.org/

They are a fellowship that bridge Christians and Jews that bring blessings and humanitarian care and life-saving aid to those in need. They are currently doing a mission to deliver life-saving aid to the large Jewish community stranded in war torn Ukraine.


Backpacks for the Homeless RVA: https://backpacksforthehomelessrva.com/

Shout out to a fellow high school alumnus of mine, Ernie Taylor. This is his passion and his creation.
They provide essentials to the homeless community in Richmond, Virginia.





Setting Boundaries… Is it ok?


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