My Jesus

My Lord I sit and ponder as I read the words in red, for you my sweet Jesus, did just what you had said.

I sat with thoughts of how on the cross your love did show, and my heart could not contain the pain and the tears began to flow

As I sat there in the gospel reflecting on this mindful day, my heart was full of love and angst as I began to pray…..

You foretold your resurrection to these chosen fishers of men

You would demonstrate your love for all as you took upon all sin

They may have heard the words you spoke but simply could not understand

How you, my Lord, would die and in three days would rise again

You came to love and save, yet were condemned and falsely accused

My king, you suffered at their hands and were so violently abused

They claimed Your crime was blasphemy when you spoke of being God’s son

Your captors thought you foolish and certainly not the ONE

Yet You were all you prophesied and they would certainly see

The love displayed upon that cross was for them, for you and for me.

As you prayed in the garden with blood, sweat and tears,

I can’t begin to imagine as the son of man, all your fears

And yet as the disciples slept, quiet and still

You stayed the course and you prayed the Fathers will

You told them to rise up, your betrayer was at hand

And there you stood surrounded by a large unruly band

Judas spoke and called you Master and betrayed you with a kiss

This he did to mark you Lord, for it was planned like this

Peter tried to stop them, and others fled to run and hide,

and I cry my Lord when I wonder, out of all, who stayed by your side.

They laid their hands upon you and took you with such force

You looked at those still there and said this too must run its course

They took my innocent Jesus to stand before a council and High Priest

They asked for some to testify and to condemn You at the least

Those priests and unbelievers asked if you were Christ, the most blessed

“I am; and you shall see” my Lord, you did profess

They beat you and they mocked you and with each painful blow

you asked the Father to forgive them for they did not truly know

that your sacrifice my sweet Jesus, from the beginning, was ordained

Yet through your pain and suffering, not once did you complain

When your spirit finally left and you took your final breath,

It was in that moment, the earth shook, and you defeated death

Some knew at once the signs were there, their MESSIAH had been killed

They had erred in judging you and now their bitter tongues were stilled

They took You down from off the cross and bathed and wrapped you well,

And as they laid you in that tomb, tears from many faces fell

They placed a seal upon the entrance of the tomb

As you laid there resting, others scattered, full of gloom

For the one they had come to know and love was forever gone,

Unbeknownst to them, true joy would come at dawn

For you are a keeper of your word, not once did you lie

You were dead indeed, but on day three you did rise.

Through the death upon that cross and the resurrection from the grave

my sin was cast upon you and my soul you did save

You see, I was the Mary who came looking for Him one day

when the spirit came upon me and I heard it gently say

Do not weep, my sweet girl, the one you’re seeking you will find

For the one who rose again, died with you in heart and mind.

The Savior of the world and the very one who died to set me free

Has placed his holy seal upon my heart and now lives inside of me.


Beauty from Brokenness


Compassion at Casting Crowns