Compassion at Casting Crowns

Meet Ana

While attending a Casting Crowns concert with my girlfriends, there was an intermission moment. During this time, Compassion International was walking through the church looking for sponsors. I felt like the Holy Spirit was pressing upon my heart that our ministry should sponsor a little girl…a future vessel. I gave it a few minutes, then asked them (our key leadership) how they felt about it. Sure enough, because it was of God, we were all in agreement. We came together and prayed about this, we prayed that the Lord would give us the one who was meant for us and we were meant for. Wouldn’t you know, and just like God to show up and show off, there was a woman standing behind us with a sponsorship packet, and on the cover was the sweetest little face and this adorable little girl in all pink. She had a little “sass” to her and I LOVED it. I knew right then, that she was meant for us!! So without any hesitation, we made the decision and commitment to sponsor this precious little girl.

Ana is from Honduras and one of 59,220 assisted children in this region. She lives near Tegucigalpa. The typical homes there are made of clay and the common language is Spanish. Ana lives with her mother and her grandmother. In times of crisis and hardship, Ana and her family are cared for by the local church. Ana attends the Amor Viviente Moroceli for her Compassion activities and to learn about God, which she enjoys. The organization, Compassion International is fighting on every front - physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational. Vessels for God has partnered with them to assist in making a difference in this young girl’s life.

I ask that you pray for her, as we do. Pray that the life within her community is radically changed by the power of God!

Stay tuned as we continue our journey with Ana and see how she grows physically and spiritually.




My Jesus


Our Anchor